Route Inter-City Transport in Taiwan

Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport, Ubus, Aloha Bus, Ho-hsin Bus and Solar bus. These buses take passengers to all parts of Taiwan through national and provincial highways.

Many buses depart daily, traveling among the country's major cities. It is therefore a convenient transport to take. Some routes even operate 24 hours a day. Besides, the cost is usually cheaper than taking a flight or a train. All such makes highway bus a heavily utilized transport means in Taiwan. For safety reasons, however, please do not take any bus offered by an unregistered company.

A highway bus trip allows one to relax and enjoy the scenery along the way, and even get to know the local lifestyle more. Generally speaking, no reservations are needed for non-rush hour buses. During holidays, including the New Year vacation, as well as when highway traffic gets congested, it is recommended to book tickets in advance or simply choose another transport, just to save time.

City and County Bus

1. Taipei

2. Taichung

3. Tainan

4. Kaohsiung

In general, all major train stations will have a nearby bus terminal or a bus stop with multiple competing services. Some buses near the High Speed Rail may be operated by that agency as a shuttle service to areas surrounding the station. All cities and towns on the island will also offer intercity bus services, although there may be decreased frequency for more sparsely populated regions.

Some companies may operate services island-wide, while others may focus on specific transit corridors, such as Taipei to and from Taichung Chaoma Station, or provide rural-oriented services connecting towns to larger cities.

Buses operating along busy routes may conduct service during non-peak hours, allowing passengers to reach destinations after rail services have finished. An example of these night services include 24 hour transportation to Taoyuan Airport from various cities around the island.