
Taiwan's trains go through big cities and small towns, providing passengers with a safe and comfortable travel experience. There are several types of passenger trains, such as intercity, Fuxing, Juguang and Ziqiang. Depending on time, budget and destination, visitors are free to make a choice. Advance reservations for weekend and holiday trains are recommended in case tickets are sold out.

Customer Service Hotline (for general inquiries and customer complaints): 0800-765-888 (Landline Only); +886-2-2191-0096 (Landline, Cellphone)

How and Where to Buy Tickets

Visitors may purchase tickets by the station windows or vending machines. They may also book tickets online and get the tickets at a train station, post office or convenience store. Payment may be made in cash or with credit card. If getting the tickets at a convenience store, please use the store's multi-media machine. Follow instructions, key in booking info and identity card number or passport number, and have the order sheet printed. Pay by the counter in 10 minutes or the sheet will become invalid (but may be printed again).

After booking tickets online or via phone, please complete payment in two days after the order, either at physical ticket point or online. If the tickets are booked two days or less from the departure day, payment must be made at least one day prior to departure. If the tickets are booked on the day of departure, payment must be made at least 30 minutes before the train leaves.

Pre-orders start 28 days prior to the day of departure. No particular tickets are reserved for on-site passengers. Please pay for and get the tickets with a valid ID and order No. at a train station or post office. Please make sure the date, train number, ticket number, and amount of payment are correct on site, when getting the tickets.

Price and More

(A) Single-journey tickets: Full, children's, elderly, and disabled fare.

(A) Single-journey tickets: Full, children's, elderly, and disabled fare.

(B) Return tickets: A return ticket means the passenger returns to the departure station when taking the home-coming ride, and that the outbound and inbound routes and seat and train types are the same.

(C) Taiwan Railways Multi-card System: Multi-cards, such as Easy Card and iPass, may be used to take the trains. A 10% discount is given to different train rides such as Juguang, Fuxing and intercity trains, depending on railway sections. For more information about the discount and other special offers, please visit the Taiwan Railways' website.

(D) TR-PASS: There are TR-passes for students and general passengers. The passes may be purchased at each station's ticket windows. Please present a valid student ID of one's own when purchasing a student pass. The TR-PASS holder may take intercity and Juguang trains unlimitedly during the valid dates. No reservations may be made when taking Fuxing and Juguang trains, however.

(E) Day Pass

Price and More

1. Insert your ticket, go through the gate from its left, and enter the platform

2. Wait for your train on the platform

3. Insert your ticket, go through the gate from its left, and make sure to take the ticket back when you exit the station.