Cost of Living in Taiwan

Students who carefully manage their budgets should live quite comfortably. Due to the shortage of land, housing and electricity is quite expensive, however food and transportation is very affordable in Taiwan. Below is a rough financial guide to living and studying at NTU. For detailed breakdown of tuition fees, student should check Financial Affairs Office which is responsible for announcing tuition and collecting tuition fees.

PLEASE NOTE:as of 2011, new incoming international students will face tuition increase. Please refer to the office for more information.

(1) Books:

The cost of books depends on the courses you take. Academic books in Chinese are relatively inexpensive, ranging between 100 to 300NTD. Western language books are much more expensive and range between 1000 to 3000NTD. Typically, at graduate level, most of reading materials can be obtained from the web, however students enrolled in the undergraduate program should budget around 100USD towards books.

(2) Meals:

Eating is a major pastime in Taiwan and inexpensive food can be found at every street corner. Following its invasion of Taiwan, 7-11 convenience stores can now be seen at every street block throughout Taiwan and offer simple meals starting at 55NTD. Students eating on campus should budget approximately NT$6,000 (about US$200) per month and NT$8,000 per month (about US$267) off campus.

(3) Clothing

As all cosmopolitan cities, Taipei has a large selection of clothing boutiques and department stores. Since Taiwan imports most of its clothing, clothing (particularly the western brands) tend to be more expensive than in the U.S. Students who study on a limited budget should visit the area around Gongguan to shop for discount clothing. Taipei’s many night markets (Shida is the closest to NTU, but Shilin, Jauho, and Tonghua night markets are easily accessible by the MRT) are good for deals on clothing, shoes, and accessories.

(4) Housing:

The cost for on-campus dormitory is set by the school, and costs aproximately NT$5,100 (about US$170) per semester and includes utilities. Renting a single room in a shared apartment outside campus costs about NT$6000-8000 per month , while a studio apartment (a room with an attached bathroom) is offered for about NT$8,000 to 12,000 per month (about US$260 to 400) depending on the area of the city. The Tsui Mama Housing Service, located off Roosevelt Road Section 3 near the Main Campus provides housing searches free of charge.

(5) Transportation:

Transportation costs in Taipei vary depending on the mode of transportation. Bus rides are NT$15 (about 50 cents US), or 12NTD with Easy Card. Taipei has a world class metro system known as the MRT and its ticket price is measured according to the distance traveled. Minimum journey is 20NTD and maximum is NT$55. Generally Easy Card is used when traveling on metro, however single journey tokens are also available. We strongly encourage you to use MRT when traveling around Taipei due to its reliability, safety and convenience.

Many students buy second hand scooters or motorcycles. The cost of gas is about NT$30 per liter. Usually 150NTD is enough for a full tank of fuel which will last about 5 days. Since campus is quite large, most students purchase bicycles and NTU has a number of stores that sell and repair bikes for a very reasonable fee. Students can catch a taxi almost anywhere in Taipei. Taxies have a minimal charge of 70NTD and a trip from the campus to Main Station costs around 170NTD. Students taking taxi after 11P.M must pay additional 20NTD surcharge.

(6) Recreation:

The cost of recreational activities in Taipei can vary anywhere from zero to thousands of dollars! For those on a budget, there are many inexpensive museums and public spaces near the campus, including Taipei Main Station, Taiwan History Museum, 228 Memorial Park, CKS Memorial Hall, the Botanical Gardens, and the National Museum of History.

Taiwan is an amazing island since it has everything: mountains, beaches, hot springs and jungles. The island is very connected by roads, high speed train network, buses, trains and airports. Students are encouraged to explore cities outside of Taipei and experience wonders of Taiwan. The cost of travelling outside Taipei depends on the mode of transportation and the accommodation type. In-country tourism is well developed and students are encouraged to check travel agency listings for deals and travel ideas. For example, a 4 day trip around East Coast with a tour group typically costs 6000NTD, however costs are much lower if you are travelling with friends and stay in hostels.